
Sunday Fishroom Post 9.22.19

Posted by Gary Hull on

Good Morning Fellow Fishkeepers,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update. So lets get back on track with what is new. Over the past several weeks, I have been busy painting the tanks. Basically, the back, bottom, and sides of the aquariums are painted a nice blue color. This has several benefits for breeding certain types of aquarium fish such as Discus and Angelfish. First, the Discus and Angelfish get stressed when they lay eggs and can see other fish in tanks next to their own. They will swim around all day defending eggs against these fish and will sometimes eat their own eggs due to the stress. the second benefit to painting the tanks is that Discus fry will need to attach (find their parents in the tank and start feeding on the slime coat) 3 days or so after the eggs hatch. Its easier to find the parent fish when the aquarium is one color. Our Red Melon Discus fry numbers have tripled since painting the aquariums. The featured image for this post shows some recent discus fry with parents. Bottom line up front, painting the 80+ tanks that we have is taking some time to do. 

Our Platinum angelfish have recently started to pair up and it looks like we have 3 nice breeding pair at this point. I will likely keep 2 and sell a breeding pair on our website.

Our regular KOI angels are breeding pretty consistently and I have been listing them on the website as they reach dime+ size. Speaking of dime+ size, I often get asked what that means when referring to the size of angelfish. Basically, the dime size refers to the body of the angelfish. So if you hear dime sized, it means that the body (not including the fins) of the angelfish is the size of a dime. Nickel, Quarter, and Half-Dollar are also used commonly to refer to size. After Half-Dollar, you will usually see angels referred to as Sub-Adults and then Adults. 

Our High Coverage Koi Angelfish are still producing small batches of fry so the number I have been listing on our site for sale has been only a couple at a time. I do have several dozen growing out as future breeders to maintain a consistent offering in the future.

If you follow any fishkeeping groups on Facebook, you already know that breeders from Thialand and the Phillipines have developed an almost completely Red/Orange angelfish. Unfortunately, they have not made it to the United States yet. This seems to be a consistent goal for US breeders and will likely demand a high price once they do arrive.

Last, if anyone would like me to provide specific details on how we raise angelfish, breed our fish, or any other topic, please send the subject via Facebook messenger or email me directly at and I would be glad to share my information with everyone. 

Happy Fishkeeping!

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