
Sunday Fishroom Post 8.11.19

Posted by Gary Hull on

Well, it looks like we have 2 established pair of Clown Angelfish in the 55 grow out tank. One pair has already laid eggs and I was able to save a dozen or so fry. I will likely move each pair to their own breeding tank today and move some new angels to the 55 grow out tank. At this point, not sure what to move. Was maybe thinking some of the discus fry since they are at a quarter size now. The featured image for this blog post is one from a week ago of the Red Melon Discus young. Out of the 13 that were raised by the parents, I still have 12 remaining. The smallest one died off a couple days ago but the rest are growing like weeds. My other option is to put some more Koi Angelfish in the 55 grow out as I not have a nice batch at pea plus size. 

Our High Coverage Koi continue to give me problems. They are producing wigglers, but only a few. I do have a nice couple young at half dollar size and may stick them in the 55 to grow out and hopefully pair up. It figures that our best seller is also becoming the hardest to raise. 

We have also had 2 more of our DD Black Angelfish pair up and lay eggs. Unfortunately, they laid eggs on the glass as I did not yet have breeding cones in the tank. In addition, our Platinum Angelfish are nearing adult size and starting to display some courting behavior. 

We now have 3 grow out tanks of our Red Dragon Guppies going and they are looking amazing. 

I recently had a question from a Facebook member asking why we are always sold out of some fish. My response is that I do not mass produce angelfish or guppies like a fish farm. All of our fish are bred on site. Most angelfish that we sell are produced from 2-3 pairs of each strain. Out of each batch of young, I usually cull down to 50 young and then grow them out to dime size before selling. Guppies require a separate tank for males and females until they are of breeding size that way I can select the best breeders to produce young. The guppy breeders then go into their own tank. This means for each strain of guppies we sell, I need at a minimum 3 tanks. When you start to work with 5-6 strains of guppies, the tanks start to add up. Bottom line up front is that producing quality fish requires lots of room and effort and I’m not willing to sacrifice quality to mass produce my fish.

Last, we are now insured and will be doing aquarium maintenance for customers in the Westmoreland/Fayette County areas. If you live in one of those 2 Pennsylvania Counties and would like a quote, please contact us by email or through Facebook.

Happy Fishkeeping!

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