
Sunday Fishroom Post 7.7.19

Posted by Gary Hull on

It has been a few weeks since my last post so I will do my best to get you caught up on what has been going on.

First the good news. One of our Red Melon Discus pair has finally raised a dozen or so young to dime size. This is the same pair that would lay every 10 days or so but then eat the babies and lay new eggs on the breeding cone. After this batch of fry were free swimming, I removed the breeding cone and they seem to have temporarily lost the urge to lay eggs. Finally, a small victory with the discus. I will raise 6-8 of them to see how they turn out. If they look as good as the parents, I will list the extras on our website for sale. The photo for this weeks blog is one of the Red Melon parents tending the batch of eggs.

On another good note, our guppies are doing well and I have been raising a good many to adult size to sell on the site. Our Sky Blue Albino’s are almost ready to go as I know a good many folks have been asking for them. 

As far as angelfish, I finally have 6 gorgeous pre adult PB Clowns that are almost at breeding size. They are growing nicely in a 55 gallon tank and love the space. I will be adding breeding cones to the tank in the next week or two to see who pairs off. 

The Koi angels are still not breeding like I wish they would. I have some wigglers from an Ultra High Coverage Pair, but only a few dozen. On a good note, I do have some pre adults that are starting to pair off so hopefully we will get some young new pairs next month.

Last, our shipment of Hull Aquatic shirts have arrived and I will be listing them on the website. The only color available right now is Navy Blue with the embroidered Hull Aquatics logo.

Happy Fishkeeping!



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